Home page

Who can use this feature?

On the Home page of the Payments portal, you can track transactions that occur at your location and are processed through unTill Payments.

Graph of the payments and tiles displaying other information will help you understand your location's financial activity for a specific day, which you can select in the top right corner.

Data on the dashboard

Current balance

This shows the amount that is stored on the Adyen Platform and will be then transferred to your bank account indicated in the Payments profile.

Total payments

This displays the overall amount of transactions that were processed through unTill Payments for the specific day.

Total refunds

This provides information on the overall amount of the refunded transaction for the specific day.


This graph gives insights into the number of completed payments within the location for a selected day.

Last payments

This list displays the time, amount, and payment type for each specific transaction. Additionally, you can see the tip amounts for these payments and their current status.

Last updated